Send a notification of the carriage of goods starting in Poland (transport ends in or outside of Poland) - submitting, updating, supplementing and closing the notification

The service is addressed to you if you are:

  • a shipper and you plan to transport goods,
  • a carrier,
  • a collector (receiving entity) who closes a declaration (confirms receipt of goods),
  • a trader who sells heating fuel,
  • a purchaser who closes the declaration (confirms receipt of the heating fuel).

Thanks to the service you will submit SENT declaration and receive a reference number. The service also allows you to complete, update, close or cancel that declaration.

You can use the service by dedicated forms or ways indicated in section "Other ways to use the service".

Before filling out the form, you must prepare the appropriate data.

The extent of the data depends on the role in which you are acting:

  1. If you are a shipper, prepare data on:
  • the sender and the recipient/consignee of the goods, including their address and VAT or PESEL number,
  • goods being transported,
  • place of loading, planned date of start of the transport.
    (art. 5 sec. 2 or 3 of the Act of 9 March 2017 on the system of monitoring road and rail
    transport of goods and trade in heating fuels, hereinafter referred to as the "SENT Act")
  1. If you are a carrier, prepare data concerning
  • the carrier, including its address and VAT number,
  • means of transport and geolocation device number,
  • the start date and the date and place of delivery/completion of the transport,
  • transport document,
  • heating equipment (in case of heating oil).
    (art. 5 sec.4 of the SENT Act)
  1. If you are a receiving entity, prepare data on the goods received.
    (art. 5 sec. 5 or 6 SENT Act)
  2. If you are a selling entity, prepare data on:
  • the entity selling and buying the goods including their address and NIP or PESEL number,
  • goods traded.
    (art. 5 sec.4 of the SENT Act)
  1. Jeśli jesteś podmiotem nabywającym, przygotuj dane dotyczące odebranego towaru.
    (art. 6a sec. 3 SENT Act)

Attention! Links in the "Service Step-by-step" section open in new browser windows.


  1. Create an account on PUESC - if you have not already done so.



  • you are a shipper - select "BASIC SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION",
  • you are collecting heating fuel and you are a non-business entity (natural person, farmer, school, municipality, etc.) - select "BASIC SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION",
  • if you are a shipper, vendor, receiver or purchaser, select "EXTENDED SCOPE OF AUTHORIZATION".

When registering under the "PURPOSE OF REGISTRATION" tab, select the option:
"I want to associate with a company to send:

  • customs declarations,
  • Intrastat,
  • excise declarations,
  • SENT declarations,
  • e-DD,
  • applications and other documents."

Sign the registration application. If you send an unsigned application, you will have to confirm your identity in person this page opens in a new window .

  1. Register the company - if it is not registered. Check how to do this in the "Register a company - get an EORI number service”.this page opens in a new window

Please note, your company must be registered in the transportation monitoring area.

You can check whether the company is registered - use the search engine of entities provided in the Check whether the company is registeredthis page opens in a new window service

If data of a company already registered on PUESC are outdated, use the Change or delete company datathis page opens in a new window service.

  1. Associate a person with a company - check how to do it in the Associate a representative with the companythis page opens in a new window service. 

Remember that you can associate a company only with a person who was granted the "SENT - sending, updating and supplementing the declarations sent to the transport and traffic monitoring system" authorization.

SENT notification may be submitted only by a natural person directly related to the company, i.e. company owner, employee or proxy.

From the authorization given to the proxy or from the statement made by the employer to the employee, it must be unambiguously clear that the proxy/employee has the specific authorization "SENT - sending, updating and supplementing the declarations sent to the transport and traffic monitoring system".


  1. Log in to PUESC.

  2. If you represent a shipping, selling, receiving or purchasing entity, select the company context for which you want to submit a SENT declaration.


Fill in the appropriate SENT form

  1. Select the appropriate SENT form on PUESC - see Forms to be completedthis page opens in a new window

  2. Fill out the form

NOTE! Enter your e-mail and you will receive a confirmation of your application to the address provided with the reference number of the application and key numbers for the carrier and the recipient.


Submit Form

Select the "Confirm" button.


Receive the application reference number

NOTE! Step 3 only applies to:

  • the consignor making the transport notification,
  • the seller entity notifying the trade in heating fuel.

Confirmation of the declaration with the reference number of the declaration and key numbers for the carrier (when reporting the transport) and the receiving entity (when the place of delivery of the goods is within the territory of the country):

  • will be displayed on the monitor screen,
  • you will find in the tab My Desktop | My cases and documents | Documents,
  • you will receive it by e-mail - if you provided your e-mail address in the form.


Provide the application reference number

NOTE! Step 4 only applies to:

  • the consignor (the sending entity) making the transport notification,

  • the selling entity notifying the trade in heating fuel.

Inform the carrier and the recipient of the application reference number and the key number.

Registration form by the sender of the transport declaration starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland

Registration form by the sender of a complete transport notification starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland, with completed carrier data (road and rail transport)

The form for registration by the sender of the notification for the transport of medicinal products subject to the export ban starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland

Registration form by the sender of a collective declaration of carriage starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland - road transport

Registration form by the sender of a collective declaration of carriage starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland - rail transport

Registration form by the sender of a collective declaration of carriage starting in the territory of the Republic of Poland, without carrier's data - rail transport

Seller's form for registration of a non-carriage related delivery of heating fuels

Form for supplementing, updating, closing, cancelling of the status of the transport notification

Material regarding errors when closing SENT reports, pdf file (2.26 MB)

The declaration, supplementing or updating the declaration may be sent using an
electronic document saved in XML format.

You can upload the created file:

  1. as an attachment to the message sent by e-mail to the address

  2. by uploading the file to the PUESC account,

  3. through direct message exchange between your system and PUESC (network

The detailed information on the technical specification of an electronic document, saved in XML format, can be found on the Web services - information and specifications site. Look for the relevant documents in the "SENT System" section.

The service is free of charge.

Extraordinary situations are the unavailability of the service, in particular, due to the breakdowns or announced service works. In such situations, use the fallback procedure outlined in the document:

Publication information

Last update: 12.06.2024 13:40 Monika Damentko
First publication: 08.07.2021 11:11 Robert Żuławiński
Responsible organization: Department for Combating Economic Crime, Ministry of Finance