A customs signature is an advanced electronic signature, which is verified with a customs certificate. You can generate a dedicated customs certificate by your own on PUESC.
If you want to sign documents with a customs signature on PUESC:
- Create an account with extended scope of rights on PUESC.
- Install the CertSign application on your computer.
Before installing the CertSign Program, check whether you use a 32- or 64-bit version of Windows (press Start, Settings, System, Information in the menu).
- At the first start, the CertSign application installs the necessary certificates of the Ministry of Finance Certification Center (CCK MF) in Windows. The certificates installed automatically in Windows are available for Chrome and Edge browsers.
If you need to install the certificates manually, you can read about it in the Operating instruction for obtaining a customs certificate and signing a document with an electronic signature - pdf file (3.67 MB).
- Generate and save your customs certificate:
- Log in to PUESC and go to My desktop | My data | LIST OF CUSTOM CERTIFICATES.
- Select the Generate a customs certificate button.
- Read the Terms of Service and confirm the statements.
- Enable running the CertSign application, if you have not run it yet.
- Choose the location to save the keys and certificate.
If you don’t have a secure cryptographic card, you can use the program solutions, for example the system store (CSP) in Windows.
Enter the password protecting the key and confirm it. The password should be composed of at least 12 characters, including both an uppercase and lowercase letter, a digit and a special character.
Remember this password!
Note! If you forget your password, it cannot be recovered. You must generate a new key and customs certificate with a new password.
- Now you can sign the documents with a customs signature:
- Log in to PUESC.
- Go to My desktop| To send and drafts | Documents to send
- Select the document and click the Sign button.
- Choose the appropriate form of signature for the selected document in the pane.
- Selecting the customs certificate will run the signing procedure in the CertSign application.
- Follow the instructions displayed on screen.
Note! If you have any problems with signing the document, first of all change the browser and try again.
You are obliged to duly protect the cryptographic data that you use to identify yourself in contacts with KAS. In the case of revealing or suspected revealing of a private key, you should immediately suspend or revoke the existing customs certificate by sending a request via SISC Help Desk.
Instrukcja użytkownika CertSign PL - pdf file (3,67 MB)
Instruction for obtaining a customs certificate and signing a document with an electronic signature EN - pdf file (5,54 MB)
CertSign installation files:
CertSign Windows x32 version 1.3.69 - exe file (91,3 MB)
CertSign Windows x64 version 1.3.69 - exe file (95 MB)
CertSign unix version 1.3.69 - sh file (101 MB)
CertSign macos version 1.3.70 - dmg file (110 MB)
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