Verify the electronic signature

This service enables you checking the status of an electronic signature on a document you received from the National Revenue Administration (KAS) or the Ministry of Finance unit.

Go to signature verification (the page opens in a new window).

Information provided in the description of service applies to both electronic signature and electronic seals.

The service enables verification of electronic signatures for documents in various formats, in particular dedicated to the PDF and XML files.

The service is not a qualified trust service in the meaning of the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS).

The service cannot be used for automated signature validations.

The service checks the current status of signature on the basis of data contained in a document and made available by the certificate issuer. It confirms the validity of signature when:

  • the document, which was signed, was not changed
  • the certificate of the signatory assigned to the signature is valid at the time of verification, i.e. was not revoked and did not expire.
    Therefore the electronic signature may have the “valid” status only within the period of validity of the certificate.

An electronic signature will have the “invalid” status when:

  • the validity date of the certificate expired,
  • the certificate is revoked,
  • the content of document was changed after signing the document.

If you want to keep the verification result, you can save it in the PDF file.

Publication information

Last update: 23.01.2025 10:35
First publication: 12.10.2022 12:33
Responsible organization: Security and Data Protection Department, Ministry of Finance