Obtain or revoke a customs certificate

The service is addressed to the PUESC portal users, who hold:

  • a SISC ID number,
  • an account with extended scope of rights.

The service enables you obtaining or revoking a customs certificate necessary to sign the documents, applications and messages sent electronically to the tax and customs systems on PUESC.

NOTE! To use an electronic signature verified with a customs certificate, you can use the CertSign program.

The customs certificate is issued by the Ministry of Finance Certification Center (CCK MF).


  1. Create an account on PUESC – if you haven’t done it yet.
    Note! Choose the “EXTENDED SCOPE OF RIGHTS”.
  2. Download and install the CertSign program.


Login in to PUESC.


Generating a customs certificate

  1. Go to the “My desktop” tab and then to “My data” section.
  2. Select the LIST OF CUSTOM CERTIFICATES link and click the “Generate a customs certificate” button.
  3. Read and confirm the Terms.
  4. Wait for the CertSign program to start (if the browser returns the query for consent to run the CertSign program, confirm it).
  5. If the CertSign program does not run or displays “No connection” status after running, adjust the computer configuration as set out in the Cert Sign User Manual. Note! If the CertSign program has been run before, the connection will be established only after starting the certificate generation process
  6. After running the CertSign application and obtaining the “Connected” status by the application, select the appropriate option in the Cryptographic service configuration window:
  • CSP – if you want to install and store the certificate in Windows store,
  • PKCS#11 – if you want to install and store the certificate on a cryptographic card (regardless of the type of used operating system),
  • Keystore – if you want to store the certificate in an encrypted file on your computer. This option is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
  1. Depending on the selected option, follow the steps described in the CertSign User Instruction in the GENERATING A CERTIFICATE chapter:
  1. The generated certificate will be displayed in your PUESC account in My desktop>My data >LIST OF CUSTOM CERTIFICATES link in the List of customs certificates table.


Download confirmation of a certificate issue

  1. After generating a certificate, select the “Download PDF” option in the displayed window, which provides access to the document containing the confirmation of a certificate issue.
  2. After downloading the document, download the certificate, selecting the “Save certificate” option.
  3. Check data presented in the certificate.
  4. If there are any errors, revoke the certificate, update incorrect data and start the procedure of issuing a new certificate.
  5. Import the correct certificate to a local certificate store on your workstation.
  6. The certificate will be displayed in your PUESC account in My desktop >My data > LIST OF CUSTOM CERTIFICATES link in the List of customs certificates table.

If you have one or more customs certificates generated, the service enables you sending a request for revocation, suspension or resumption of the certificate to the SISC Help Desk. Revocation of a certificate is irreversible and you will be no longer able to use the revoked certificate. Suspension of a certificate results in its temporary revocation, which can be reversed by sending a request for resumption of the certificate.

  1. Go to “My desktop” tab and then to the “My data” section.
  3. Select the certificate you want to suspend, resume or revoke from the LIST OF CUSTOM CERTIFICATES table and click the appropriate button in the ACTIONS column.
  4. Select the appropriate value from a dropdown list in the opened form in the “Reason for revocation or suspension of a certificate” field. This field does not display for resumption of a certificate. Enter the appropriate code for the selected certificate in the “Verification code” field. Click “Next” and then “Send”.
    Note! A verification code is contained in the confirmation of generating a certificate. If you have no access to this confirmation, click the selected serial number in the list of certificate and then “Download confirmation”.
  5. Verification of a submitted request:
  • If your request is correct, you will receive a message on solving the request sent from the Central Service Desk (CSD) at the email address being the address of your account on PUESC, confirming the revocation, suspension or resumption of the certificate.
  • If your request is incorrect, you will receive a message with the description of the reason for rejecting the request sent from the Central Service Desk (CSD) at the email address being the address of your account on PUESC.

A customs certificate is not a qualified electronic signature certificate in the meaning of the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS).

A customs certificate can be used to place an advanced electronic signature in the cases, in which the provisions of law permit to do so. Relevant information is provided in the descriptions of individual services available on PUESC.

Private keys (used to place a signature) are generated by the user and sent neither to PUESC nor to CCK MF. Therefore their recovery after deleting, loss of password, etc., is impossible. Only the user has access to the keys, provided that they are properly protected. When placing a signature, the keys are generated and operated by the CertSign application running locally on the user’s computer.

Since the electronic signatures identify the person, the signature certificates are assigned (issued) to the PUESC users rather than to the entities represented by these users. Identity of the entities is confirmed using the electronic seals.

Messages sent through PUESC can be authenticated using the electronic seal issued by CCK MF, representing the system/domain-specific service. This seal confirms the origin and integrity of a document.

Validity of the customs certificates is limited. This information is provided in a certificate. If the certificate is expired, the electronic signatures are verified as invalid. Therefore, signing the documents with a certificate, validity of which is about to expire, is not recommended.

The service is addressed to the PUESC portal users, who hold:

  • a  SISC ID number,
  • an account with extended scope of rights,
  • at least one downloaded customs certificate.

The service enables you viewing your customs certificates.

Publication information

Last update: 23.01.2025 10:20 Monika Damentko
First publication: 01.08.2022 10:18 Monika Damentko
Responsible organization: Customs Department, Ministry of Finance