Delete account on PUESC

This service is aimed at individuals who have an account on the PUESC portal and wish to delete it. If you delete your account, you will no longer be associated with any company, you will not have your IDISISC registration number and you will not have access to the documents you have submitted or sent during your activity on the portal.

As a result of this operation, your account on the PUESC portal will be deleted. Please note, however, that deletion of your account on the PUESC portal will not delete your data from SISC. Once your account is deleted, you will lose access to all documents sent and received.

In order to delete your account, you have to prepare login and password to PUESC portal and in case of extended authorization, prepare electronic signature (qualified or trusted signature or customs certificate).

Note! If you have an account with basic scope of rights - just send a request to Central Service Desk (CSD) according to instruction in STEP 1.

Note! The links in the "How to delete an account step by step" section open in new browser windows.


Log in to the PUESC.


Send a request to CSD

Log in to the Central Service Desk (CSD) service:

  • create a new request by selecting the "Strefa Klienta KAS" service,
  • select: "Rejestracja na PUESC – zakładanie konta” – „Usuń swoje konto na PUESC”,
  • in the content of the request type: Delete my account please.



Fill in the application

  1. Select application WRR0003 Deactivation of a person's data [SZPROT].
  2. Open the application form and accept the required statements, then proceed to the next tab using the Next button. Generate the document using Finish and create the document.
  3. Go to the tab
    My Desktop | To send and drafts | Documents to send


Sign the application

You can do this in three ways:

  1. with a qualified electronic signature,
  2. with an advanced electronic signature verified with a customs certificate,
  3. with a trusted signature using a trusted profile.


Send your application

In the tab

My Desktop | To send and drafts | Documents to send

select and send the application.

Your current account will be deleted and an email will be sent to the email address you provided when you created your account, informing you that your account has been deleted (deactivated).

If you delete your account, you will no longer be associated with any company, you will not have your IDISISC registration number and you will not have access to the documents you have submitted or sent during your activity on the portal.

WRR0003 Deactivation of a person's data [SZPROT]

Form to request deactivation of an individual's data

In case of service unavailability, wait until the portal is operational.

Publication information

Last update: 03.08.2023 16:02 Sylwia Mystkowska
First publication: 11.03.2022 13:44 Monika Damentko
Responsible organization: Customs Department, Ministry of Finance