Accessibility declaration of the PUESC website

We are aware that accessibility is a process we work on every day.

The Ministry of Finance (the Ministry) is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

This accessibility declaration applies to the website

Website publication date: .

Date of last major update: .

Digital accessibility status

This website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to [incompatibilities and exclusions] listed below.

Inaccessible content

Non-compliance with the appendix

  1. Due to technical constraints:

    • malfunction of the focus may occur in modal windows,

    • occasionally there are form fields that do not have properly defined labels and described form fields,

    • there are cases of inconsistent navigation,

    • there are cases of inconsistent identification of website elements,

    • there may be occasional elements that are inaccessible from the keyboard, which can be handled in another way,

    • there are occasional errors in HTML syntax.

  2. Due to content entry mistakes:

    • occasionally the lang attribute may not be correctly indicated for inserted quotes or names,

    • there may be descriptions and instructions regarding sensory properties, e.g., colours, position,

    • some attachments may not have information on file size and format,

    • lists of items may be split into several separate lists and do not reflect the correct relationships between the content,

    • links on the site open pages in new windows or browser tabs in accordance with the information provided in their descriptions, but in exceptional cases:

      • pages may open in a new window without informing the user,

      • you may receive an erroneous message about a link opening in a new window,

  3. For various reasons, in exceptional situations:

    • the order and hierarchy of headings may be disrupted,

    • there may be situations where the required contrast level of 4.5:1 is not met,

    • distorted elements may appear when the page is enlarged to 200%,

    • links may not have a defined purpose or may have an incorrectly defined purpose,

    • there may be situations where the uniqueness of page titles is not maintained.

Content not covered by the regulations

There may be situations where, despite the efforts of the site editors, certain documents published on the site are not available due to the fact that:

  • they come from different sources,

  • they are structured in a way that cannot be interfered with – e.g. files are made available to programmers and describe a document schema,

  • they were published based on rules adopted in another institution,

  • they were published before the Digital Accessibility Act came into force,

The Ministry makes every effort to ensure that the indicated inconsistencies and exclusions, where possible, are removed and corrected, and that the website is digitally accessible to the widest possible audience of the service.

Preparation of the accessibility declaration

Declaration was made on: .

The declaration was last reviewed and updated on: .

The declaration has been prepared on the basis of a self-assessment based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and the Checklist for testing the digital accessibility of a website v. 2.2 (docx, 0.12MB).

Keyboard shortcuts

Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Feedback and contact details

All questions, comments or problems with the digital accessibility of this website can be reported to Remigiusz Ryfa at:

Everyone has the right to request the provision of digital accessibility of this website or its elements.

When submitting such a request, please provide:

  • your first and last name,
  • your contact details (e.g., phone number, email),
  • the exact address of the website where the element or content is digitally inaccessible,
  • a description of the problem and what solution would be most convenient for you.

We will respond to your report as soon as possible, no later than within 7 days of receiving it.

If this deadline is too short for us, we will inform you about it. In this information, we will provide a new deadline by which we will correct the errors you reported or prepare the information in an alternative way. This new deadline will not be longer than 2 months.

If we are unable to provide digital accessibility of the website or content indicated in your request, we will offer you access to them in an alternative way.

Handling accessibility requests and complaints

If, in response to your request for digital accessibility, we refuse to provide the digital accessibility you requested, and you do not agree with this refusal, you have the right to file a complaint.

You also have the right to file a complaint if you do not agree to use the alternative method of access that we offered you in response to your request for digital accessibility.

Submit any complaint by mail or email to the management of the Customs Department:

Submit any complaint by mail or email to the management of the Customs Department:

  • Customs Department Secretariat,
  • Address: ul. Świętokrzyska 12, 00-916 Warsaw, Poland,
  • email:

Helpful information can be found on the government portal

You can also inform the Ombudsman about this situation and ask for intervention in your case.

Other information

Architectural accessibility

Detailed information on the architectural accessibility of the Ministry of Finance building can be found on the Ministry's website under Information for persons with mobility disabilities (the page opens in a new window).

Information on the architectural accessibility of the premises of the National Revenue Administration units can be found on the websites of these units under the tab: Settling matters / Accessibility. Go to the list of websites of KAS units (the page opens in a new window).

Communication and information accessibility

In connection with the Act of 19 August 2011 on Sign Language and Other Means of Communication (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 20), the Ministry has expanded the catalogue of services that enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing to contact the office. More information on this can be found on the Ministry's website under Information for people who are deaf or hard of hearing (the page opens in a new window).

Mobile applications

The Ministry of Finance and the National Revenue Administration provide the following mobile applications related to the tax and customs services available on the PUESC:

You can read more about the applications on the Mobile applications page.