
At PUESC, we provide access to all messages - actual and archival - published on the portal.

In the side menu you will find messages grouped thematically on:

  • messages about unavailability - current and archival broken down by years,
  • messages in the area of ​​Excise duties, gambling, movements and transports broken down into groups of services,
  • messages in the area of ​​Customs, border and statistics broken down into groups of services,
  • messages in the area of ​​Handling of applications and guarantees broken down into groups of services,
  • messages from the KAS customer area with a separate group of e-Payments services,
  • messages in the area of Network services broken down into systems
  • SELECTED NEWS - here you will find messages and information in selected thematic areas (groups of services). To use this function, select the subject areas and / or groups of services in the Newsletter service that interest you. To do this, click the Manage the Newsletter service button in the NEWS tab. This service is available after logging in to PUESC. You can learn more in the How to use the Newsletter service section.

Messages about actual unavailability (ACTUAL) refer to the ongoing unavailability of services on the PUESC portal or difficulties in using them. After the deadline for which the unavailability of services has been announced, these messages are moved by the portal administrator to the group of archival messages (ARCHIVAL).

You can also find messages about unavailable services in the appropriate area.

Other messages that are not related to the unavailability of services can be found in the appropriate area. These areas correspond to the thematic areas into which the services available on the portal have been divided - in the TAX AND CUSTOMS SERVICES section available from the top main menu of the PUESC website.