Company registration and acting on its behalf
In the field "legal form" you should select:
- unincorporated entity,
and in the field "details of legal form":
- civil partnership.
Enter the initial digits of the PKD code, omitting the dots, and select the correct code from the drop-down list.
To obtain an EORI number, select the area of operation CUSTOMS. Remember that an EORI number in Poland can only be obtained by a domestic company or a company from outside the European Union. Other companies (registered in the territory of the European Union) must apply for an EORI number in the country of establishment.
Check that you have not received an error message on your application. The message should appear within 5 minutes.
If you have received an error message, correct the application and resubmit it.
Otherwise, contact the Help Desk.
In the UK, the equivalent of our TIN number is the UTR (Unique Taxpayer Reference - this is the TC number), which is issued by HMRC (Her Majesty Revenue & Customs).
Contact the SISC Help Desk
- portal Centralny Service Desk:
przejdź do portalu CSD - Centralny Service Desk (strona otwiera się w nowym oknie) - e-mail:
- w polu "temat" wpisz nazwę usługi,
- w treści wiadomości opisz, co działa nieprawidłowo bądź napisz, czego chcesz się dowiedzieć,
- wyślij wiadomość z adresu e-mail, który został użyty do założenia konta na PUESC (login PUESC);
- telefon - nie świadczymy wsparcia telefonicznego.
- Central Service Desk portal:
go to the CSD portal - Central Service Desk (page opens in a new window) - e-mail:
- in the "subject" field, enter the name of the service,
- in the content of the message, describe what is wrong or write what you want to know,
- send a message from the e-mail address that was used to create an account on PUESC (PUESC login);
- phone - 24/7 support (except technical break from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.):
- 22 330 03 30 (calls from mobile phones)
- 801 055 055 (calls from landlines)
- +48 22 330 03 30 (calls from abroad)